Railway area Ede-Wageningen

If real estate costs, ownership and management need to be divided between different parties, clear demarcation drawings and space states are indispensable annexes to the title deeds and maintenance agreements. For the Railway area Ede-Wageningen project we have made the divisions in accordance with the agreements made. This means that floor plans and cross-sections are made suitable for intake by the Land Registry in a clear, timely and neutral way. Due to the vast area of ​​the railway area, additional divisions have been made to mark the boundary between railway and public space.

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  • Project organization: ProRail, Municipality of Ede, NS Stations
  • Asset manager/real estate manager: ProRail, Municipality of Ede, NS Stations
  • 1 demarcation drawing public space / railway area drafted
  • 25 demarcation drawings of structures drafted
  • 1 space state drafted