
Since our foundation in 2014, incertex has been busy improving the information provision in the infrastructure and real estate sector. We do this for and with our partners in large construction projects, complex information configuration/modelling issues, but also in smaller and specific information advice and analysis assignments. incertex is now active in all links of the information chain. We thank all the people involved for this.

  • Anton Rail & Infra
  • Armada mobility
  • Gemeente Utrecht
  • Heijmans
  • Kjerner
  • Mobilis | TBI
  • Moxio
  • Waterschap Noorderzijlvest
  • NS Nederlandse Spoorwegen
  • Port of Rotterdam
  • Prorail
  • Waterschap Rivierenland
  • Royal HaskoningDHV
  • Waterschap Scheldestromen
  • Hoogheemraadschap Schieland Krimpenerwaard
  • Strukton
  • Partners
  • Synergie ingenieurs
  • V
  • Wetterskip Fryslân